I told Amy today that I would (finally) post again. Pictures of the house. So I faithfully got on the computer tonight and uploaded my pictures only to discover that when I took pictures when we first moved in I didn't have any of the main room. So I'll snap some tomorrow and post - and you'll all be lucky enough to see my awesome Halloween decorating skills (ha!ha!).
We have just been busy with life -- soccer, babysitting, callings, funerals, weddings, and fun things like JoDee visiting and the fall festival in Belgrade (not to be missed).

London loves her soccer team. "Blue Lightning" lights it up every Saturday. I am grateful this weekend is her last game because (a) I am starting to get cold at practices and games and (b) I'm tired of lugging 5 children to soccer practice twice a week -- a baby, 2 toddlers, Savy and London.
Let me introduce you to my new children, Morgan and Ethan. Well,they are mine Mon-Thursday from 8-5 at least.

These two toddlers keep me busy all day!

London adores Morgan and always spends time with her after school which really helps me out. She can't wait to be a mom. Reagan has begged and begged me to have another baby. I just tell her to talk to daddy about it.
A few weeks ago, we went to the Fall Festival. Nate was gone and so I went with the girlies alone, but luckily met up with a friend from church and we hung out all day together. I was amused as she complained about the heat because it must have been in the 70's, maybe low 80's that day. I thought it was perfect!

Me and Tracey, with her daughter, Eliza.

Waiting for the parade to start (which, by the way, made the Cedar parades seem super awesome and dare I say, professional? Yeah, it was that bad. Nothing compares to Cedar), Reagan wanted to show her favorite place in Belgrade (besides the old run-down church she thinks is a castle) -- the doughnut shop! I like it because (a) it's a log cabin (b) not open on Sundays and (c) I went there once and didn't have cash, not knowing they didn't take debit and the guy just said I could come back later and pay him -- only in a small town! I happened to have my checkbook so it worked out, but still, such a cute old man!

I just think Reags looks old here -- of course she pulled her pony out so she's wild woman as usual -- I can't keep clothes or ponies on this girl! I don't know what she'll do when it's freezing outside!

She so wanted to pose next to this Halloween-decorated poodle.

Everyone in Montana has a dog (except us!). Savannah loved this one that was as big as her!
So each of the girls got to choose one thing they wanted. The two things chosen were:
1. Bungee jumping/flipping on trampolines
2. Getting a feather in your hair
Gosh, can you guess who chose what? Not hard if you know my girls.

London literally waited in this line for about an hour and a half. She was hilarious trying to flip. I'll see if I can upload a video.
Savannah chose the feather in her hair, which, incidentally, is
still in there and doesn't want to come out despite the fact that the lady said it would last two weeks. Will it ever fall out???

Oh, this was the tasty meat cooking outside the firehouse where we had lunch. The meat was so darn tasty!
I have to edit my pictures from JoDee's visit so I'll work on that tomorrow too and bring those and house pictures. and.....possibly pics of my first snow in Montana - if it gets cold enough tonight, our rain may just turn to snow. We'll see. Poor Nate will miss our first snow as he's in hot, humid Dallas, TX this week.