We are finally (after 2 years of waiting on various options) in Montana!
Nate started his first day of work today. He's excited because instead of sitting at a desk he'll be at the shooting range and being tasered. Well, he's not so excited about that last one. I suppose they figure you'll be more careful with a taser gun if you know what it really feels like...
The girls started school last Wednesday and are loving it. Tomorrow I'll post about their first day and then I'll work on getting pictures of our house. There was so much stuff (junk) to go through that's been in storage for two years. We had a huge garage sale the second weekend we were here and did pretty well. The leftovers went to the Salvation Army. We still have organizing to go through in the garage, but I figure it'll get done eventually and I just need my house in order.
Last Tuesday - the last day of summer for the girls - we decided to do something fun so we went to the Lewis & Clark State Park Caverns. They were awesome!
We took our nephew, Ethan, and if you didn't know better, you'd probably assume he was our fourth child since he and Savy look a lot alike.
This is my favorite picture. Reagan did really well in the cave and even walked most of the way except the wet, slippery parts where Nate held her. She was so cute holding onto the rails and going down the stairs with me in front and dad in back. She kept asking, "Daddy, you ok?" At one point, deep in the cave, she asked me if we were in outer space.
Oh, and if you are wondering about that band-aid on her forehead - we took a little ER trip on Sunday night. She tried to walk down the stairs with a princess dress, shoes and sunglasses. Didn't work. She went tumbling down and had a nasty gash in her forehead. In a small town, all the Urgent Cares closed at 5:00 and it was 5:30 (of course) so we headed to the ER. Gee, I can't wait for that bill.... The nurse kept saying she'd need stitches, but the doctor came in and super-glued her head back together. What excitement. I told Nate that's pretty good -- 8 years of parenting and that was our first trip to the ER.

They are standing on the "mile-high step." They are a mile-high but inside a cave. Pretty cool.
The blasted out exit tunnel which was very cool.
Did I ever mention that Montana is gorgeous?