I haven't been taking as many pictures as I should, but things have been a little crazy. Here are a few that I've taken the past two weeks (and there aren't too many, but I'll get better).
London and Reagan. This was probably the day after or the day she came home from the hospital - her eyes are still a little swollen.
Nate's the pro at setting up comfy sleeping arrangements for babies. I think we should have named her Maggie because she sucks that binky like mad and it sounds just like Maggie from the Simpsons. It's hilarious.
I figure I need at least one picture of me and Reagan and in this one, I don't look too terribly trashed. . .
Sisters. They love to hold Reagan and are very calm with her although the constant "petting" of her head does bother me - you don't ask if you can pet someone! This was one morning where Savy was telling Reagan a story and London was there lending binky support apparently.
I always plan that nursing will be fabulous and great and it NEVER is for me. It actually brings more stress than anything. Without fail, my babies don't gain weight and the pediatrician tells me to supplement. And that, my friends, is the beginning of the end of breastfeeding for me.
Reagan had her two week appointment yesterday and she's not up to her birth weight. She's only 8 pounds 2 ounces -- 7 ounces short. And on the 7th, she was 7 pounds 15 ounces so she'd only gained 3 ounces in 2 1/2 weeks. I have done everything I can to keep my supply up - pumping, herbs, constant nursing (well, not quite constant). So I have decided that not all women are made the same and my body is only destined to make skim milk while others make creamy whole milk. My poor babies (and budget which will soon expand to buying "gold dust" as my sister-in-law, Jill, calls it). I'm not giving up, but just a little frustrated and disappointed at something I have no control over.
Another thing that frustrates me is that doctors always tell me to wake up my babies to feed them -- Reagan will sleep 5-7 hours in the night (obviously not every night). But I'm thinking why stop a good habit? But then when they don't gain weight I feel bad like I'm starving them by not waking them and then that's why my milk goes away, etc. It's a constant worry - what is the right thing to do? I don't know the answer and it's frustrating. Sounds silly, but I have to think that other people go through this. Jill, Nate's sister, has been a great help and support, but it's still frustrating.
Anyone have advice?