Wednesday, November 18, 2009

just a thought. . .

White House reports billions of improper payments in 2009

The CNN article above claims $98 billion in improper payments were made in 2009.

Do we really want these people running our health care?

I don't.

p.s. another thought:

How many pages is the Constitution? Compare that to the health care bill which is about 2000+ pages. Do we really need 2000+ pages for health care when the Constitution -- which changed the world forever by creating the most prosperous country ever before seen through it's limited government and free market system -- is only about 20 pages (depending on your font size)?

Friday, November 6, 2009

Finally - Savy lost a tooth!

I last posted about London's lost tooth and how upsetting this was to Savannah that her younger sister lost one before her. Well, yesterday Savannah comes home with a kleenex and a very loose tooth which decided to come out in the middle of Target. Lovely. After searching Target's floor for a while, we finally found the tooth and Savy was ecstatic.

BUT London is not to be outdone. . . .
her second tooth fell out only two hours later.
Curse little sisters!
and, for the life of me, I could not get a normal picture of these two weirdos!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

London's first lost tooth

On Sunday London lost her first tooth
(thank you, Halloween candy).

It turned out to be a rather dramatic experience between London's excitement and Savannah's despair (she, 15 months older, has yet to lose a tooth). I think Savy's the only first grader with all her baby teeth still . . . and it really bothers her. She even has one growing in behind a baby tooth, but that little tooth is happy where it is and doesn't want to dislodge! The last two times we've been to the dentist she's asked why she hasn't lost any teeth yet.

And now London beat her to it.

Sometimes having little sisters just isn't fun.

The whole experience has made me ponder about all the little competitions and issues we may have while having two girlies growing up so close in age. Should be fun. . .

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


The "Pirate-Girl"
The Witch
and the sweet little lion
In the afternoon, we headed over to Grandma Cyndee and Aunt Megan's house for our big Halloween Party.Can't you just feel their excitement?

Then we changed into the costumes . . .
Pirate-girl, Prince Caspian, the Hulk and Batman
Caleb and Reagan are quite the buddies now -- well, it's more of a love-hate relationship.
The group ready to go trick-or-treating!

Their neighborhood was quite festive and for the first time ever, I was tempted to take pictures of people and their displays. So here we go with more picture overload!
The very independent trick-or-treater!
Tom fit into their creepy display quite nicely, don't you think?
and finally, checking out the loot . . . .
I hope you had as fun a holiday as we did!