Saturday, May 31, 2008
Randomness in Utah
* Prayertime - London demanded help - which she never needs - and then when I said "we're thankful that we can play with our cousins today" she stopped, looked up and said, "I don't want to say that." I'm thinking it had something to do with Crew's new hobby of teasing her. She's never refused to say something before.
* We went out for Shane's birthday last night and it was fun talking at dinner about their trip and various other things. Then we saw Indiana Jones which I saw last week, but once again was reminded that no matter how much people criticize it, I think it was pretty classic Indie and maybe people have just moved away from that because it's a new time period.
The best part of the night happened on the way home at midnight. Midnight in Enoch, Utah and cops are bored. Shane got pulled over just down the street from the house. 5 miles over the speed limit (going down a hill) and he failed to dim his lights going down the hill and the poor cop had a hard time seeing because of it. The best part was that after taking his license and paperwork, he comes back and says, "Mr. Adair, have you been drinking tonight? Because it smells like alcohol in this car." Mom, Gina and I couldn't help but giggle which may not have been a good thing. Shane replied that there had never ever been an ounce of alcohol in his car or in his body before. I mean, yes, he may have looked like a polygamist because we'd dropped Tyler off at the shop to get his truck, but I don't think you go out to the local bar with a newborn, do you? I hope people don't do that. So he asked Shane to get out and take a sobriety test. Crazy! We were dying laughing and Shane was pissed. He knows the chief of police very well (Shane's buddy's with everyone) so I'm sure they'll be having some words. In the end, he wasn't issued a ticket and we were on our way. Oh, you always have adventures when you're with Shane.
* I think I'm off to take the girls on a Cheetoh ride. The Cheetoh is a vendor bike Shane bought in Mexico. So classic South American that it makes me die laughing. The girls sit in the front (where whatever the vendor sells would normally sit) and the rider is in the back. It's great fun and I'll definitely have Cheetoh pictures to post when I get home.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
freezing in Utah
Sunday I didn't even take her carrier to church because I felt so bad about that last hour of the trip. She got spoiled for three hours of church, being held constantly. Lucky girl. Speaking of church, it was lovely with 3 adults and 8 children under the age of 6. Only the wild and crazy Noah T. had to be escorted out by his dad. What a wild man! And that little Ryder is 7 months and the cutest baby EVER! All you have to do is look at the boy and he rewards you with the hugest, cutest smile. Gotta love it. Reagan is starting to smile a lot more and I love it.
Savannah and London are loving their wild and crazy boy cousins. Savy jumped right in with the wrestling, etc. while London took a while to warm up to it all. I think this is going to be the best week of their summer just playing and being free without 100+ weather.
Well, we're off to relax and do nothing. Just what I need right now. It is also way colder than we expected and we're absolutely freezing! Who would have thought the high would be in the 50's at the end of May?
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Reagan Pictures

... and, yes, Megan, I DID glue that bow onto her little head. Elmers glue to be exact. It's non-toxic and water soluble and actually works whereas Karo syrup does not despite how many people will tell you it does (maybe it has something to do with the 100+ weather we have here, but it just kind of gets gooey).
I just love the mini-glued-on-bow look, but I also can't resist the headbands.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Monday, May 12, 2008
Real Life

Here are a few random thoughts and things:
1. This is what happens when you have children who are obsessed with drawing and drawing and drawing on computer paper and mom is out of commission for a few weeks. Dads don't notice or care about things like this "hidden" in the computer room. But I do. And I was shocked when I finally saw it about two weeks ago.

"Fine, then I will wish Reagan to the Goblin King."
(have you ever seen Labyrinth?)

4. And finally, we went to the park last week and met Amy and the boys. The cousins were more than thrilled to be reunited. For the first ten minutes, London and D just chilled on the bench, catching up I suppose. They were very cute together.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
So here it is, stolen and ready to be in my "blog book" someday.
(below is Reagan being poked and prodded, poor thing)

I have seen it begin a few times. And each has been profound. I was 20 the first time. Big-eyed at BYU, dreaming of all the possibilities Ahead. And I know it was incredibly non-BYU-ish of me, but marriage & children were not the primary landmarks on that vista. October of my 3rd year, and I flew home to Arizona. My JoDee was having her first baby. Cyndee & I spent hours pacing the hospital halls. Taking turns visiting Jo. And when Andersyn finally made her way into the world, I became a different person. A dramatic statement, perhaps, but it really was true. I looked at this entirely dependent, wide-eyed babe, something clicked, clarity came and I saw the world in its simplest beauty. Knowing innately that this was what life was all about. Not classes and papers and study abroad and internships.
We are perfected through our relationships. I knew then & there that only as a Mother would I be able to shed enough of my selfish self to progress and grow. Only through Loving another human heart & soul.
Since then, I’ve been bedside to a laboring Gina, Megan and Mandi. I love all of these women. They are my sisters and my best friends. Of course, there was the unforgiveable moment during Megan’s first birth when Mandi fainted because she hadn’t eaten all day. The doctors made us both leave. The consolation prize was sitting in the corridor sipping apple juice & crunching crackers. (I only forgave Mandi when she meekly held my throw-up container as I dry heaved my way through birthing Aidan. That kind of service can wipe away just about any wrong!)
A few weeks ago I felt blessed again as I watched Miss Reagan meet the world. The poor girl was as shell-shocked as any veteran of war. It struck me that these babies really are torn from the most comfortable crib in creation…straight into bright lights, cold air, and plenty of noise. But I love how she finally calmed. Nurses were cleaning, measuring, poking, prodding. I couldn’t take my eyes off her, and even attempted to comfort her with words and a warm hand, but she cried on. Until Nate came over and spoke. She instantly calmed, straining…listening. This minutes old baby definitely knew the sound of her dad. She’ll learn Aunt Amy over time, but it was beyond sweet to witness that little moment…the first of many that will melt my heart, no doubt.
I’m grateful for Birth...Life..and the opportunity to witness its pain & joy from a different perspective.Friday, May 2, 2008

I LOVE it!
Savannah and I went through and printed up some pictures and have been trying out new "do's" whenever I actually have the time in the morning to fix hair - which is a miracle in and of itself at the moment.
I am quite proud of myself because when she was little, I always did the hair, but I just am not creative to figure out cool, funky hair-do's for my girls -- my sister, Megan, should have a girl because she would be great! So this website has helped me by giving me the ideas and I can carry it out from there. Very helpful if you have girlies!
Check it out:

Savy's other hairstyle.
We're on to braids next....
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Warning: I love pictures and am not a decisive person so be prepared for LOTS of pics!