Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dear Santa

While I went out shopping Friday morning with my mom and sisters, Nate helped the girls make Christmas lists and it turned out quite interesting. . .

Savannah's Christmas List
(in her exact words)

1. hair fixing doll with head and neck (you can fix her hair and spray it and put all kinds of sparkles on it).
2. Furry coat that's warm.
3. Webkin that's a lion.
4. Candy necklace-making kit.
5. Barbie that comes w/ clothes.
6. Lots of Barbie clothes.
7. Lipstick (all kinds and colors).
8. Make-up set with lots of make-up.
9. Disney Princess Barbies (Sleeping Beauty doll. She is comfy.)
10. Hula Hoop.

London's Christmas List
(in her exact words).

1. Gooey eyeball like Savy's.
2. Wall-e and Eve stuffed animals.
3. Candy maker that makes every candy.
4. Harry Potter setup (stuff that Harry Potter has). Note: she's especially excited to get the cloak that makes you invisible -- I hear about that all the time.
5. Wall-e blanket and bedspread.
6. Orange wig.
7. An E.T. that if you pull it's cord it walks around.
8. Wall-e bike.
9. Clouds of Meatballs -- the movie (whatever that is!)
10. Hula Hoop.

You can really see their personalities! I don't know where London came from, but she's definitely an interesting child! I hope she's not too disappointed on Christmas morning!


Megan said...

wow. that's quite the list, good luck making their dreams come true!

Amy said...

remember when London's only wish was snow? At least this year's list is more possible than that!