Above (and below) is the B&B we stayed in: Casa Sedona.
Imagine a cool spring morning eating a three-course breakfast here. Lovely.
There's a huge shopping complex with an Indian name I can't
say/pronounce/remember that is fun to wander around window shopping. They had a lot of statues too so Nate and I had some fun.

Before going, Nate looked up restaurants and found Dahl & DiLuca.
It looked fabulous, romantic and cozy. Besides we love Italian food.
It looked fabulous, romantic and cozy. Besides we love Italian food.

We got there and the man at the front gave us this little "nook" that was cozy, dark and just perfect. Throw some rose petals on the table and there you have a romantic nook. It's funny because in the pictures the flash lights it up so much that it doesn't look that cool, but it was -- I love dark nooks!

They were fancy but not too expensive. They didn't even have soda (only wines) so we stuck with our water. And the food, well see for yourself . . . . (with the privacy of our nook we felt at liberty to snap pictures)
Nate's chicken was seriously, hands down the best I have EVER eaten.
I would drive to Sedona again just to eat this chicken!!!
It's that good.

You hate all the pictures of yourself, but you have such good memories, so here's one we took holding the camera out.
We decided to head home leisurely through Oak Creek Canyon which takes you to Flag, then we went across the Rim and through Payson to come home.
Indian Gardens is on the road up through Oak Creek Canyon. This is where one of the first white settlers came and started farming. There was a historical marker Nate and I stopped to read about his cabin. We are total suckers for historical markers.
Below are some pictures of us in the canyon. Nate loved this hat and swore it was made for me so we got it. I must say, I don't look too bad in a cowgirl hat! ha! ha! ha!
I don't know why we don't do this more often.