Saturday, January 5, 2008


Nobody told me when I changed my template that I would lose all my links to friends and family. Dang!

Hence, I lost my two mission companion's blogs and as much as I google their names, I can't find their blogs.

So. . .


adelante8 and Lillian

please email me your blog sites so I can check up on you guys.


(and I'll be prepared next time I change templates)


The Scotts said...

I love the new look! I keep asking Jared to change mine because I have no clue how to do it!

The park looks like a fun time with the bikes and her hair is like treasure! The things kids say.

elizabeth said...

I love this template, but I too found out the hard way about the whole madness of having everything erased. It sucks putting it all back together. There has to be a way that it won't erase everything, I am just not internet language savy enough to figure it out. BTW I love the bikes and Savy's "treasure" comment. You girls are still my favorite.

michelle said...

Your girls are so cute! It looks like you had such a wonderul Christmas!

We learned the hard wau over here too, changing headers, etc. I hope that you find your two friends again!

Sara"Fantabulous" Smith said...

You are hilarious! So I am only adelante8 to you, huh??? Just kidding! I'll email you right now!!!!


Mandy said...

I have wanted to change my layout several times but found it always erased it. I have no idea how to add my favorites back on once they have been erased. How did you do it?