Wednesday, January 30, 2008


This is how my 32nd week pregnancy email started out:

How your baby's growing: By now, your baby weighs 3.75 pounds (pick up a large jicama) and is about 16.7 inches long, taking up a lot of space in your uterus.

I don't understand why these pregnancy update emails come up with the strangest, most exotic fruits and veggies to compare to my baby's size. I mean, I had to google jimaca to even know what it is. For any of you who don't, here is picture (I got the one with other well-known foods so that you could see the actual size - it's the large white thing on the left) :
Has anyone ever head of a jimaca or eaten it? Just curious.


Susan said...

I never have. Have you?

Megan said...

That's wierd. Do you get babycenter emails? I think the baby would be bigger than that too. So odd.

Mandy said...

I have never heard of a jimaca. What a strange thing to compare a baby too. I'm sure there's some other fruit or veggie out there approximately that same size. :)

April said...

I have a good friend who LOVES jicama and always shoves some down my throat when I come by. It kind of tastes like a not sweet apple...same texture, but not very much flavor.

Amy said...

Do you mean jicama? I've had that...definitely not my favorite though...and most definitely not a common point of reference!

Rachel said...

Jicama, my Mom uses it a lot in salads. I really like it!

Heather said...

Jicama, usually associated with mexican food. Very crisp but again not much flavor, mainly used for crunch and texture.