Monday, September 21, 2009

REWIND: Savannah's Kindergarten Graduation

It's only been four months and I swear she looks so young in these pictures! Time flies too fast (and it scares me a little).
Receiving her perfect attendance award from the principal, Mr. McCloud. She also received a medallion which she wore for two weeks after school ended. Really hard for me to put a picture of myself up, but here it is out there for posterity's sake. Savy can never do normal smiles for cameras, but she's so cute that it really doesn't matter.
Mrs. Cammack.Mrs. Christiansen, the teacher's aide.
1st GRADE!!!??!!
This picture turned out blurry but I just love it because of the way Reagan's looking at Aidan. These two definitely have a bond and love eachother! my chicas

1 comment:

Amy said...

I need to do the same rewind for my own records...yikes! What was wrong with us in May?