Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Whole New World

One day during Spring Break, Reagan experienced the play place at the mall for the first time since she's been mobile. It was a whole new world that positively delighted the girl!
So many moms to look at...
and so many children running around. . .
And now, the Where's Waldo picture of the play place, except it's --

Where are Mandi's children?

can you find all three of them in this picture?


Amy said...

I want to go with her!

But our big kids combined are probably too large and annoying at this point - can you imagine Hurricane Aidan running around there!

Megan said...

She looks so tiny in that place. I have anxiety just seeing the pictures that she'll get plowed over!

Mandy said...

What a fun place to go! I still can't get over her little curls! What a cutie!