Week 8: The Raising of Kids
"Raising kids is like planting seeds from a packet with no pictures on it. You have to throw out any ideas about what is going to grow and just tend to the garden the best you can."

The blessing of it all is that we are entrusted with these amazing little spirits and have the massive responsibility to rear them well and make them into decent human beings who will do what is right. And that's quite a scary prospect in today's world, but I have no doubt we have help from above, if we ask.
I love the quote above because it's so true and as I contemplate the new personality that will come into our home next month, I can't even fathom how the dynamics of our family will change. You just never know what you are going to get and they are indeed their own person and, although moldable in some areas, they will be what they want to be. I just look at my two girls in amazement that they have been raised the same way and yet are so different. You just love them for their quirky differences and "tend the garden the best you can."
For my memories sake and maybe some amusement for whoever is reading this, here are a few quotables from my crazies:
London: "my shirt batteries are broken" - explaining why she can take her pants off but not her shirt.

If you don't personally know my children, these quotes and pictures speak volumes about how different they are! But I love them both equally and anxiously anticipate the next personality awaiting her grand entrance.