All I can say is that Mommy Waller (Savannah's new name for me) is tired. In case you are wondering how to spell Mommy Waller, here it is:

So Saturday night, I went to the NieNie Benefits Concert. I am so glad I did. I really liked Mindy's music and this song simply made me bawl (only watch this video if you're prepared to cry - I just watched it again and couldn't help it). The whole time I just thought how they must be missing having a mom right now. They are loved and surrounded by loving people, no doubt, but nobody can replace a mom. My heart just ached for them as they stood up there, sisters, hand-in-hand. It made me even more grateful for my three little girls.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I wouldn't just go up on stage in front of a thousand people - and you're right. I was talking to Jill about something and not paying attention when Amy nudged me and said - you know what a chupacabra is, raise your hand. So I did. And all of a sudden, next thing I know, I'm on stage next to Chup, explaining something lame about how he's named after some mystery monster who comes and sucks the blood out of your animals at night. I probably looked like a dork up there, but oh well - I really wouldn't have raised my hand so enthusiastically if I had known. Honestly, though, I was quite shocked that NOBODY in Mormon Mesa knew what that meant -- where were all the South American RMs???? I couldn't have been the only one! At least I got a t-shirt!

Last night we carved pumpkins.
It was the beginning of the Halloween Festivities.
I'm learning that Halloween is not just one night. With kids it gets stretched out and out and out. Pumpkins last night, ward trunk or treat tonight, preschool party tomorrow, kindergarten party Friday and then the big night.
All in all, I will have to dress them up 3 times!
What ever happened to just Halloween night???

Which do you like?