Thursday, December 10, 2009
Late Thanksgiving
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Dear Santa
(in her exact words)
2. Furry coat that's warm.
3. Webkin that's a lion.
4. Candy necklace-making kit.
5. Barbie that comes w/ clothes.
6. Lots of Barbie clothes.
7. Lipstick (all kinds and colors).
8. Make-up set with lots of make-up.
9. Disney Princess Barbies (Sleeping Beauty doll. She is comfy.)
10. Hula Hoop.
(in her exact words).
2. Wall-e and Eve stuffed animals.
3. Candy maker that makes every candy.
4. Harry Potter setup (stuff that Harry Potter has). Note: she's especially excited to get the cloak that makes you invisible -- I hear about that all the time.
5. Wall-e blanket and bedspread.
6. Orange wig.
7. An E.T. that if you pull it's cord it walks around.
8. Wall-e bike.
9. Clouds of Meatballs -- the movie (whatever that is!)
10. Hula Hoop.
You can really see their personalities! I don't know where London came from, but she's definitely an interesting child! I hope she's not too disappointed on Christmas morning!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
just a thought. . .
White House reports billions of improper payments in 2009
The CNN article above claims $98 billion in improper payments were made in 2009.
Do we really want these people running our health care?
I don't.
p.s. another thought:
How many pages is the Constitution? Compare that to the health care bill which is about 2000+ pages. Do we really need 2000+ pages for health care when the Constitution -- which changed the world forever by creating the most prosperous country ever before seen through it's limited government and free market system -- is only about 20 pages (depending on your font size)?
Friday, November 6, 2009
Finally - Savy lost a tooth!

BUT London is not to be outdone. . . .
her second tooth fell out only two hours later.
Curse little sisters!

Thursday, November 5, 2009
London's first lost tooth

(thank you, Halloween candy).
It turned out to be a rather dramatic experience between London's excitement and Savannah's despair (she, 15 months older, has yet to lose a tooth). I think Savy's the only first grader with all her baby teeth still . . . and it really bothers her. She even has one growing in behind a baby tooth, but that little tooth is happy where it is and doesn't want to dislodge! The last two times we've been to the dentist she's asked why she hasn't lost any teeth yet.
And now London beat her to it.
Sometimes having little sisters just isn't fun.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Then we changed into the costumes . . .

Their neighborhood was quite festive and for the first time ever, I was tempted to take pictures of people and their displays. So here we go with more picture overload!

Monday, September 21, 2009
REWIND: Savannah's Kindergarten Graduation

It's only been four months and I swear she looks so young in these pictures! Time flies too fast (and it scares me a little).

Saturday, September 12, 2009
She loves first grade, but can't seem to remember any of her friends' names (she's a blond through and through). Still jabbering constantly and just as crafty as ever. I went shopping today in her bedroom where she and London had set up a whole store full of home-made books (I love seeing how she's trying to spell things) and cherry pies (a paper plate colored and then the sides folded up - very clever). I even gave her real pennies and she was thrilled beyond belief.
London, on the other hand, will name off about six names of her "best friends" in two seconds. She is quite the popular girl and I can just see her thriving in kindergarten. Everyday is something new and exciting. She is still just as obsessed with Wall-e and Eve as ever and claims she will name her children after them someday. Her vast array of stuffed animals that she insists on sleeping with have suddenly been hung from the bunk bed above her which makes the ordeal of making her bed much easier as the animals are now hanging instead of falling between the wall and bed. She's a funny girl with her hanging stuffed animals over her head. Her number one bedfellow is still Aslan - her stuffed lion from Santa a few years back when she was a baby.
One funny thing that happened this week was when I asked them about Pres. Obama's speech to the children. The only thing they had to say about it was that "he said bad words, mom." My girls have taken me very literally and very serious about what not to say. In our house we never say words like "hate" or "stupid." NEVER. So, to them, they are super-bad words and I guess Pres. Obama said stupid a few times. I read the speech beforehand, but failed to notice that. I thought it was pretty funny that they were appalled. After clearing that up, they then told me that he told them to do good in school. Good.
I still can't leave the house without people commenting on her! Seriously, it's every time I go out. Today Nate took her to Sportsman's Warehouse where they fawned all over her then I was stopped twice in Wal-mart. One time was a lady telling me she should be in a Swiss Miss commercial. People are funny.
Reagan has a mouth full of teeth now. She refuses to even attempt to talk, but she'll laugh her head off at you (London especially). I can't figure out if the lack of talking is due to her love of binkies or laziness or something else. The girl has also discovered dancing and will dance to anything with a beat -- the other day she danced and wiggled in the cart at Fry's to the background music in the store. Funny girl.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Here she is with her teacher, Mrs. Ctibor (who, coincidentally is the mom of a girl I knew in Junior High - how cool is that? And yes, for anyone wondering, her husband is Mr. Ctibor that taught at Poston years and years ago.) I think she'll be great and London will love her.
I am super-excited that despite the fact that we moved (yes, we moved), I got my girls into the Franklin school here in Mesa. I loved the curriculumn last year and felt like Savy thrived so much. Today we met the teachers and I felt so good about my choice despite the fact that our local public school is very good and in a good school district. For me, the academics at Franklin rule out everything else. I am so excited for my girlies! Tomorrow is the first day.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
coming back soon. . .
We were discussing what the girls would name their babies some day and London says,
"I am going to name my baby Lover."
Me: "Where did you hear that name?" Mind you, I do not call Nate lover.
London, innocently: "from 'loving.'"
Monday, May 18, 2009
construction and conversations
I'm tired of my blog look so I am in the process of changing, but have a screaming baby and can't do it all right now, so I'll just leave you all with our conversations of late. . . .very interesting.
The way to church:
London: I am going to ask Santa for a Wall-e dress for church.
(my kids think Santa can do absolutely anything and it's getting scary).
Savannah: I don't even know if Jesus likes Wall-e.
This morning during breakfast:
London: Savannah you ate without a prayer, don't you know that tells Heavenly Father that you don't care about him or respect him? You should be ashamed of yourself.
Wow -- London is our little prayer-nazi. But I have no idea where she got the "ashamed of yourself" part because that's definitely not words I use - must be those lovely cartoons. . .
Monday, May 11, 2009
Joyschool Graduation
Porter, Talmage, Sydnie, Davyn, Mackenzie and London.
I don't know what's funnier, Mackenzie's crazy dancing or London's dancing where she distorts her body without really moving. Preschoolers are so funny!
London had her Joyschool Graduation at Amy's house (2 weeks ago? or was it last week? I don't remember). Amy is so good at putting things together and it turned out so cute. They made graduation hats, wrote thank-you notes to all the moms/teachers, sang an ABC song, sang the days of the week and put on a play -- Billy Goat's Gruff. London used Nate's favorite Halloween mask to be the grumpy old troll under the bridge. She loved it, but it turns out Talmage was afraid of the mask and wouldn't participate, but other than that, it all turned out so cute.
Talmage is our next-door neighbor who London and Savs love to play with. He also plans on marrying London. His mom told me he was asking once about the families and babies, etc. She explained about Adam and Eve and then how he would have children some day too to which he replied, "no, London will." London stole his heart by liking to play with "boy toys."
Monday, May 4, 2009

Then I took a week off -- well, not off from exercising. I did some of my old videos -- Biggest Loser Body Sculpt, 30 Day Shred, Winsor Pilates Accelerated, and Pilates Buns & Thighs.
I must say that I am quite impressed with how much strength I built up doing P90X. I didn't lose all the inches I wanted, but I figure that will come when I finally decide to stop munching on tasty things and start eating better. I was just surprised at how well I did my old videos that used to be hard.
For example, I decided to try out the third level of 30 Day Shred and, guess what, it wasn't that bad! In fact, a lot of the moves can be found in P90X.
Then with Pilates I actually did every move! And let me tell you that I used to just laugh at some of those moves on the accelerated video because they seemed so crazy-hard, but thanks to some hard-core P90X Yoga, I was able to do the whole video without a problem!
Here's to the next 90 days!
We'll see if I can't trim a few inches (especially in the belly and thighs -- buns wouldn't hurt either). Actually, I'm just happy that Nate can't squish my muscles into oblivion now when I make him feel them -- they actually stay there now!!

Monday, April 27, 2009
Tyler and Gina's Whirlwind Visit