Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Word of the Week

I decided since I have had a hard time posting lately that I would start doing April's Word of the Week and maybe even Lelly's SPT (Self-Portrait Tuesday), but all that sounds a bit ambitious so . . . we'll see. I think my problem is that my camera has been having issues and it's really frustrating and I don't like blogging without pictures - maybe I should get over that and remind myself of the journaling aspect of why I started blogging.

So here's the word of the week:

/adj./ very bright. shining brilliantly. beaming, effulgent, radiant. a high degree of emotion, intensity, or brilliance.

incandescent /adj./ 1. My house has no incandescent lights on the outside, BUT the other day my wonderful husband informed me that he promises he will put them up next year. He promised. Maybe he thinks I'll forget his promise, but I won't. So, my house will be incandescent next year -- yahoo!

incandescent /adj./ 2. One of my favorite things to do during the Christmas holiday is to put my kids to bed (love that 7:00 bedtime!), turn off all the lights, snuggle up on the couch and just space out in front of the beautiful, incandescent Christmas tree. It's almost as good as a camp-fire for zoning.

incandescent /adj./ 3. I love the incandescent aura of Christmas. The other day in the car London exclaimed "mom, I just love all the pretty (she could have said incandescent) lights, Christmas trees, and everything about celebrating Jesus' birthday. I love His birthday." And so do I. I am very grateful that my girls have been more focused on the birthday part of Christmas than the Santa/presents part this year. London wants to watch the Nativity dvd all the time.

Hmmm. . . I kind of like this word of the week thing -- I know I'll learn some good words!


Amy said...

Yay for Mandi becoming part of the establishment! I'm interested to see the incandescent glow from your house next year.

Sara"Fantabulous" Smith said...

Wow - word of the week? That's pretty ambitious but more attainable. I tried the recipe of the week on my blog but stopped after two months - I needed more recipes!!! Love your comments on my blog and I love you! If I could send London and Savannah some snow in the mail - enough to make a snow angel or the whole nativity scene - I would!!!!

Kelly said...

Yea, another word of the week! I think it's such a fun idea. And the wonder of blogging -- if Nate questions your memory next year, you have his promise written down!

Megan said...

I wish I could have incandescent lights on my house too. The word challenge is fun. Maybe I should start this too, cause I can never think of anything to post about!

Mandy said...

We actually have a lot of lights on our house this year. We always lived in a condo or apartment before and couldn't really do much. This year we went all out and I love it!

I may have to start using the word of the week as well.